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Global Research & Commercialization of Intellectual Property

The Hannaian Research Institute is primarily an entrepreneurial, research, and investment center designed to assist industry and academic institutions in their intellectual property acquisitions and commercialization. One of the important services offered to industry, industry executives and associated professionals is a limited offering of specialized academic symposia and courses in the business and investment transactions of Intellectual Property commercialization.

Currently Scheduled Symposium

December 27 - 31, 2011
Nassau, Bahamas

Investments & Research In The Business of Intellectual Property & Capital Development

Today the most valuable aspects of significant business enterprise are the Intellectual Property holdings of the business. Understanding the subject matter in this course is essential for any business entrepreneur or student of high finance and law, who desires to be successful in investments and in negotiating business transactions in the new global economy.

This is a practical course taught from an experiential perspective by professionals with direct working knowledge in the subject matter. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in workshops simulating real time investments and negotiations, and the opportunity to participate in an IP Commercialization Research Project.

A special module covers "Innovation in Education and Education Productivity" emphasizing the United Nations mandate on the importance of Education as an element of Community and International Technology Transfer.

In the practical world of business and investments developers of products want to know what industry needs and wants. Both developers and industry need investors to fund their operations. Investors need to know what's coming down the pipeline, how to value it, and how to acquire some ownership or control of it as early in the process as possible. Companies want to acquire valuable intellectual properties to enhance their prestige, profit potential and shareholder value. The markets and strategies involved are increasingly global in scope and environment. Knowledge of the law, investment modalities, and business practices involved in these processes are essential to all participants. This course is unique in that it has been specifically designed to provide the knowledge and pragmatics required to be successful in this arena.

The Course is taught in symposium format and is a dynamic course constantly updated to provide a current perspective on Investments in the Business of Intellectual Property & Capital Development. It is designed for undergraduate, graduate, and professional business and finance students, artists, songwriters, authors, publishers, software engineers, inventors, attorneys, accountants, researchers, stock traders, investors, business entrepreneurs, and emerging growth company executives. Any Intellectual Property stakeholder interested in understanding intellectual property and its important role in the modern global economy and investment markets will benefit from the information in this course. The Course is taught from an international business, investment, & legal perspective in order to reflect the predominance and ever growing importance of global business transactions, investments, and valuations.

The full course is an intense sixty (60) hour course, the equivalent of five (5) semester credit hours encompassing five (5) consecutive days (forty (40) hours) of actual classroom didactics, and an additional twenty (20) hours of a supervised online didactic and research project module. Registrants may register for the course in sections or in full as their needs require. The basic forty (40) hour Symposium and take home exam will qualify students to receive three (3) hours of college credit.

Completion of the twenty (20) hour Online Market Research Module & Research Project will qualify the student for an additional two hours of college credit.

Special Note

Although the Symposium is primarily designed for working professionals in the involved fields, the course is open for enrollment to current undergraduate, graduate and professional college students. Students should check with the director or dean of their academic program at their institution to ensure that they will receive appropriate credit as an extension, externship, or research course applicable to their course of study.

Portions of the course have been approved for continuing legal education, and for other credentialing purposes.

After completion of the course attendees will be able to function better as researchers, negotiators, traders, and investors in intellectual property rich companies and securities in the private and public markets, and understand concepts including:

• Components of intellectual property and capital, & the importance to business & investment success
• Basic aspects of the laws of intellectual property
• Aspects of intellectual property peculiar to special industries, Food & Agriculture, Health, Education, Energy, Performing Arts, Music & Entertainment, Digital Engineering, Internet Technology and others

• Strategies for protecting intellectual property domestically & internationally
• Domestic & international valuation of intellectual property in business transactions
• Company structure, behavior, & special entities for holding, protecting, marketing, & licensing IP
• Special contractual provisions in structuring intellectual property acquisitions & transfers

• Essential Elements of Marketable Research and Intellectual Property
• Processes and current practices in Commercialization of Research, IP, & Technology Transfer
• Processes, practices, and politics in Community, & International Technology Transfer & Economic Development

• Principles of funding the intellectual property research & development stage
• Commercial Loans & Funding; Source of Funding, Knowing Where the Money Comes From
• Domestic & International grants, government and agency funding, hedge funds, and venture capital
• Funding the IP Commercialization & Technology Transfer stage
• Structuring IP interests in licensing, joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, start ups, PO's, IPO's, & SO's
• Special contractual provisions for funding intellectual property acquisitions & transfers

• Understanding the different types of securities and securities laws globally
• A comparative study of securities markets, stock exchanges, and the SEC's of the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, South & Central America, the Caribbean Basin, and their rules & required filings

• Basic strategies & principles of investing in private and public securities markets
• Principles of investing in international securities markets
• Necessary tools for effective investing activities in current markets
• Strategies for researching private and publicly traded investments
• Basic strategies for protecting investments and dispute resolution in public markets
• The current state of the intellectual property investment markets
• Taxation, auditing & accounting elements of I.P. investing

Developing Minds, Education & Effective Economic Development, the Investment in People & Community
Standard Accepted Research Methodology
Effective writing & communication strategies for business success
Memory, Reading & Comprehension Strategies for Business Leaders
Power Words, Understanding the Language & Vocabulary of Business & Negotiations
The Psychology of Business & Investing
Evidence Based Tools & Strategies for Increasing Education Productivity

There will be daily practicum & sector analysis sessions for industry professionals where researchers, inventors,  and emerging growth company executives and venture capital participants will make presentations of their projects and companies and interact on the potential for joint ventures and alliances.

All materials necessary for the course will be available online or supplied by email to course registrants. While not required or necessary, registrants are encouraged to bring a notebook computer to class.

Course Coordinator
Dr. Harlington L. Hanna Jr.

Symposium Modules

1. Understanding Intellectual Property & Capital
2. Negotiations, Deal Making, Business Structure & Transactions
3. Principals of Trading & Investing Intellectual Properties
4. Innovation in Education, The Essential Element of Community & International Technology Transfer
5. Online Review & Research Project

Symposium Daily Format

5 hours of classroom lecture
1.5 hours of Industry Sector Analysis Practicum
1.5 hours of lecturers as panelists providing follow-up info and questions & answers
Online Study Materials

College Credit Requirement

Take home essay and short answer exam due within one month of Symposium and/or complete a Research Project.

At this time registration for the full course is estimated to be $600 (3 credits) or $800 (5 credits), with options for special segment registration and special registration for sector analysis industry presenters.

Requests for further information and on sector analysis presentations should be forwarded by email to:

Dr. Harlington L. Hanna Jr.
The Hannaian Research Institue
Course Coordinator


Investments & Research In The Business of Intellectual Property & Capital
Course # HBUSIPIN-01   Credit Hours - 03

Investments & Research In The Business of Intellectual Property & Capital - Research Project
Course # HBUSIPINO-02   Credit Hours - 02, Prerequisite, Course # HBUSIPIN-01


1. Understanding Intellectual Property & Capital
2. Funding, Negotiations, Deal Making, & Business Structure in IP Transactions
3. Principles of Trading & Investing in the Private & Public Securities Markets
4. Innovation in Education, The Essential Element of Community & International Technology Transfer
5. Online Review & Research Project

Module 1
Understanding Intellectual Property & Capital
10 Didactic hours


Harlington L. Hanna Jr., B.S., M.Ed., O.D., J.D.
Felicia Hogan B.A., J.D.
Kristen A. Hanna, B.S., J.D.
Robert Taylor B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Lauren A. Hanna, B.S., M.D.
Keith Campbell, B.S., D.V.M.
Vertamae Grosvenor, Ph.D.
Estelle Mayhue-Greer, B.A., M.A.
Ira Weisburd
Preston Shannon
Additional Faculty T.B.A.

• Components of intellectual property and capital, & the importance to business & investment success
• Basic aspects of the laws of intellectual property
• Aspects of intellectual property peculiar to special industries, Food & Agriculture, Health, Education, Energy, Performing Arts, Music & Entertainment, Digital Engineering, Internet Technology and others
• Strategies for protecting intellectual property domestically & internationally
• Domestic & international valuation of intellectual property in business transactions
• Company structure, behavior, & special entities for holding, protecting, marketing, & licensing IP
• Special contractual provisions in structuring intellectual property acquisitions & transfers

Module 2
Funding, Negotiations, Deal Making, & Business Structure in IP Transactions
10 Didactic hours


Harlington L. Hanna Jr., B.S., M.Ed., O.D., J.D.
Helen Bartlett-Hanna., B.A., M.A., J.D.
Sir Arlington Butler, B.S., LL.B.
Marcus Martin, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Eric Godet, B.S.
Elliot Powell, B.S.
Heather Thompson, B.S., LL.B.
Kristen A. Hanna, B.S., J.D.
Additional Faculty T.B.A.

• Essential Elements of Marketable Research and Intellectual Property
• Processes and current practices in Commercialization of Research, IP, & Technology Transfer
• Processes, practices, and politics in Community, & International Technology Transfer & Economic Development
• Principles of funding the intellectual property research & development stage
• Commercial Loans & Funding; Source of Funding, Knowing Where the Money Comes From
• Domestic & International grants, government and agency funding, hedge funds, and venture capital
• Funding the IP Commercialization & Technology Transfer stage
• Structuring IP interests in licensing, joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, start ups, PO's, IPO's, & SO's
• Special contractual provisions for funding intellectual property acquisitions & transfers

This module also covers special aspects of research and contracting for IP acquisitions in the private markets as they relate to specific industries. Students will derive details of required institutional disclosures, contract provisions, and negotiations used in the business of IP commercialization, investing, and mergers and acquisitions. A detailed evaluation of the contractual provisions involved in an intellectual property technology transfer contract from the viewpoint of the attorney and the entrepreneur will be discussed.

Also funding & Acquisition of Venture Capital For IP Entrepreneurs will be covered. Merger & Acquisition Contracting For Small Entrepreneurs & Investors. IPO & Public Company Support Mechanisms.....& Master Joint Venture Royalty Contracts. Special processes utilized to facilitate Initial Public Offerings, maintain and support Public companies, and special joint venture agreements necessary to structure such efforts.

Module 3
Principles of Intellectual Property Trading & Investing in the Private & Public Securities Markets
12 Didactic hours

This Module specifically identifies the importance of investing principles, strategies, and techniques used in acquiring intellectual property rich securities and companies. It focuses on important investment philosophies and aspects of securities and investments in the public and private securities markets, with an emphasis on the commercialization of intellectual properties and modern technology transfer. It covers the basic legal principles, practices and philosophies used in the securities markets, including the basic business and operational structure used by investors and traders in the public securities markets. Students will gain a basis for understanding how the art & science of Self-Controlled and Self-Directed investing works. This block covers the new philosophies and structure of investing which have dominated the new era of Internet based investing since 1998. It covers basic history, definitions, and interpretations used in modern investing and trading practices within the public securities markets.


Steve Deveaux, B.S., NASD Reg. Rep.
Roosevelt Jackson, B.S., M.D.
Harlington L. Hanna Jr., B.S., M.Ed., O.D., J.D.
Helen Bartlett-Hanna., B.A., M.A., J.D.
Ingrid Bachelor, B.A., M.A., C.P.A.
Petrina Anderson, B.A.
Sam Perkins B.S., J.D.
Felicia Hogan B.A., J.D.
Additional Faculty T.B.A.

• Understanding different types of securities, and securities laws globally
• A comparative study of securities markets, stock exchanges, and the SEC's of the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, South & Central America, the Caribbean Basin, and their rules & required filings

Understanding Public Trading & Investments Generally
The ABC's of public capital market trading and investing. The different capital markets and their functions.

The SEC, The Markets & Public Company Behavior
This block covers specific elements of public company structure, S.E.C. filing compliance and the necessary documents, specific S.E.C. and N.A.S.D. rules which affect investors and traders. Specific information on the practical behavior of public companies and how they utilize various tools within the safe harbor provisions of the laws and S.E.C. rules to gain, maintain, and promote their public status and stock price will be discussed.

Understanding Public Company Behavior, How & Why Public Companies Use News, Utilization & Mobilization of Public Company Structure, Understanding & Using SEC Filings & Documents, Understanding the SEC filings and documents which publicly traded companies can or must file with the SEC and what they mean to investment and trading strategies.

• Basic strategies & principles of investing in private and public securities markets

Public Acquisition Trading & Investment Techniques
Live/Simulated Trading Sessions
Understanding when to buy and when to sell in the public markets. Understanding the Hannaian Intellectual Property Stock (H.I.P.S.) research report and sector ratings. How to recognize the Hannaian Spike, Drop & Roll. When, why, and how to place the reverse limit order. Which broker to use for which purposes. Understanding how to use advanced Level quotes and order executions. How to recognize pre-market indications. This session covers the details of techniques utilized for self directed and controlled buying and selling of stocks.

This block also covers elements of the actual transactions and research modalities used in Self-Controlled and Directed Investments and Trading in the public securities markets. It details the various types of transactional orders and the practical usage of these orders in the marketplace. The group will understand how such orders are placed and why they are placed, and the methods of research that traders and investors use in determining how and when to place orders.

Understanding & Using Transactional Securities Orders
Using transactional orders in special situations to maximize returns, prevent losses and ensure proper fills.

• Principles of investing in international securities markets

International Investing, the Investment Climate & Opportunities in Emerging Markets of Asia & China and others

• Necessary tools for effective investing activities in current markets

Understanding the Essential Tools and Setup For Public Acquisitions & Trading of Intellectual Properties. Demonstration of Level One, Level II, other trading platforms, and the various tools used in modern public market trading and investment activities.

• Strategies for researching private and publicly traded investments

Live/Simulated Trading Sessions
Researching Intellectual Property Rich Securities in the Public Markets. Investment research techniques and strategies. Stock screenings. Which tools to use. When to research. What to research. On-the-ground research, and more.

• Basic strategies for protecting investments and dispute resolution in public markets

This block covers specific elements of investment ethics, fraud and the dispute resolution management of trading and investment problems. The Group will be introduced to various manipulative practices of market makers and brokers and specific details of S.E.C., N.A.S.D., and securities exchange & market rules for ethical and legal requirements for market participants and the rules for handling disputes over transactional orders.

The Ethics of Investing and Public Capital Market Participants
New & Special NASDAQ & SEC Rules that Directly Affect the Value of Investments. What successful investors and traders must know about Nasdaq & SEC rules which affect the value of investments & determine investment and trading strategies.

Understanding Market Maker Ethics & Market Manipulations
Understanding what Market Makers do, and how they can manipulate investments and trading outcomes.

Stock Investors Dispute Resolution Techniques & Procedures
Information every investor & trader in the public securities markets should have at their finger tips. In the modern trading and investment practice serious investors experience daily disputes over trade executions and brokerage practices and accountings. This workshop covers the processes and techniques needed to resolve these problems quickly and in the investor's favor.

• The current state of the intellectual property investment markets

Companies to Watch for the Next Six Months. The workshop covers in depth research into the next group of stocks and sectors which H.I.P.S.R.S. will be following for the next six months. This session explains why you should consider investing in these stocks and how and when to do so.

• Taxation, auditing & accounting elements of I.P. investing

What successful investors and traders must know about managing their investments, business liabilities, and taxes. Understanding important business structures, practices, and strategies.

Module 4
Special IP Industry Focus Module
Innovation in Education, The Essential Element of Community & International Technology Transfer.
The Investment in People & Community; An Essential Ingredient For Success & Achievement in Economic Development.
Evidence Based Tools & Strategies for Increasing Education Productivity
8 Didactic hours


Celestine C. Williams, B.A., M.A., M.S., Ed.D.
Helen Bartlett-Hanna., B.A., M.A., J.D.
Sam Heastie B.S., M.S., Ed.D.
Lauren A. Hanna, B.S., M.D.
Clifford Black, B.S.
Carolyn Bell, B.S., M.S., M.S.PH
Brian Hall, B.S.
Dawn Thompson-Marshall, B.A., M.Phil.
Additional Faculty T.B.A.

With Education budgets and teacher positions being reduced, Education Productivity has become of increasing importance. The intellectual property associated with Education Productivity tools and strategies will be explored in this special IP Industry Focus Module.

Strategies for Developing Minds for Effective Community Technology Transfer & Economic Development
Standard Accepted Research Methodology
Effective writing & communication strategies for business success
Memory, Reading & Comprehension Strategies for Business Leaders
Power Words, Understanding the Language & Vocabulary of Business & Negotiations
The Psychology of Business & Investing
Evidence Based Tools & Strategies for Increasing Education Productivity

Module 5
Online Didactic & Market Research Module
20 Didactic hours

The Online Module provides supplemental information and instruction to the classroom modules as identified during classroom didactics by the respective Symposium faculty, and Research Project faculty. It will primarily focus on Market Research in products, companies, and investments related to the subject matter of their Research Project.

Students will conduct research activities, study of the online material, and attend scheduled online sessions required for instruction, and supervision of the research projects. College professors who may be supervising the student for the purpose of receiving college credit at their respective colleges may also participate in the online sessions.

The Online Market Research Module & Research Project will qualify the student for an additional two hours of college credit.

Research Project

Create an IP Related Product - Actual Product or Detailed Schematic

Then develop an IP Commercialization Plan describing the following details about;

Funding the Research & Development Phase
Identification / Classification of the Related IP in the Product
Protection of the IP
Valuation of the IP
Commercialization Potential, Objective, & Options - License, Start Up Company, etc.
Funding the Commercialization Phase
Market Research
Packaging the IP and/or related product(s)
Marketing the IP and/or related product(s)
Closing the Deal, Negotiation options & strategies, Holding Entity, Markets, Geography, Jurisdiction

Students will identify their subject of their research project within one week of completing the classroom didactic Symposium.

Research Projects will be graded based on principles taught in the course. The best three (3) will receive some assistance with legal, accounting and other facets of any actual development and commercialization of the projects, and a full tuition Hannaian Reseach Scholarship to a future Symposium.

Completion of the Online Market Research Module & Research Project will qualify the student for an additional two hours of college credit.

Students may work individually on the research project, or a maximum of three students can participate in a joint venture in a research project. In cases of these joint venture research projects the Commercialization Plan must include an actual joint venture agreement between the partners/students. The nature and quality of the joint venture agreement will be considered in evaluating and grading the Research Project.

Symposium Practicum Participants

James Covington            ...Author "From Civil Rights to Silver Rights"
                                       Special Processes in Economic Development
Dave Washington           ...NFL Players & Professional Sports Rights
                                       Sustainable & Maintainable Water Systems
Clifford Black                 ...Private & Self Instruction Education Systems
Caroline Bell                  ...Environmental Systems Development
Vertamae Grosvenor      ...Broadcasting & Media
Joe C. Greer                  ...The Good Health Institute
Tommie Richardson        ...Private Medicine Development
Grady Williams               ...Medical Equipment Development
Keith Campbell               ...Cooperative Agricultural Systems
Ira Weisburd                  ...Performing Arts & Choreography
Preston Shannon            ...Music & Entertainment

.....Additional Practicum Participants T.B.A.


Symposium Registration Form


There are a limited amount of full and partial tuition scholarships available. Any registrant who would like to register for any portion of the Symposium and be considered for a scholarship or reduced registration fee should contact HRI as soon as possible. Please click here to apply for a scholarship or reduced registration fee.

You may register online by using the Online Registration Form this is the quickest and most efficient method of registration.

HRI Symposium Course Tuition

Group Code

You may also use postal mail, or E-MAIL the following information: Your Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, E-Mail Address with Check, Money Order, to the address below. Or call our offices with this information for registration.


The Hannaian Research Institute
220 Tywnam Heights
P.O. Box EE-16021
Nassau, N.P. Bahamas

(242) 326-5497

E-MAIL hretreat@hannaian.com




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