Hannaian Intellectual Property Stock (HIPS)
Research Quiz #010405

Test Your Stock Research Skills

The HIPS Research Quiz is designed to test your skills in Stock Research and to be informative and instructive in stock research methodology, the value of current public securities, and public company attributes. Generally the companies featured will be companies which have been previously covered by the HIPS Research System or currently in the process of being officially covered by HIPS. In completing the quiz it is important to match the answers to those given by our most experienced researchers. Also we will match your answers to the average answers provided by others completing the quiz, so that you can see how you compare. The comparative figures will be reported & posted at the time the next quiz is posted. The correct results of the test will be posted in the special HIPS Test Report Section of the Training Guides in the Members Only Section of the WebSite. Non-HIPG affiliates may receive a report on their test scores and the correct answers by filling out the Non-Affiliate form at the bottom of the answer form. An archive of these tests can be accessed by visiting the HIPS Test Archives.

Date of Statement & Questionaire

April 5, 2001

Company History & Characteristics

This company is involved with European business activity, and announced that it will be consolidating its business operations around a new element of its business.

Stock History & Characteristics

It has traded as much as $22 as a 52 week high. Recently it was slightly higher than $1.00 and then dipped below .60 for about a week and rebounded to a high of .90. Average daily volume is more than 1.5 million. Institutional ownership is moderate.

Other Pertinent Information

The Revenue for the past year was over 500 million and it recently announced that it was selling its majority interest in one of its subsidiaries for approximately 125 million, in order to further its plans to consolidate around its new business focus.

Question & Answer Form

What is the Company's Name

What is the Stock Symbol

What is its most significant feature that should ensure its growth

What Sector would you put it in

How would you grade its Rolling history over the past three months

What is your projection for the possibility (Rate 1/low -10/high) of its price to increase by 25% within the short term (less than 6 months)

What is your projection for the possibility (Rate 1/low -10/high) of its price to increase by 25% within the long term (12 to 18 month)

What is(are) the major source(s) used in your research on this company

Non-HIPG Affiliate Information

Last Name

First Name

E-Mail Address

Internet Website Address

How would you rate your experience in researching & picking successful stocks (Rate 1/low -10/high)

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