The Bloomfield Investment Summit

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Bloomfield Full Gospel Baptist Church and Bloomfield Urban Ministries hosted the Hannaian Business & Investment Network Conference in Memphis, Tennessee, July 28 and 29, 2000.

Upon arriving in the Bluff City Hannaian affiliates received a warm welcome at the Marriott Downtown, with some world famous Memphis barbeque prepared by The Cozy Corner Restaurant.

Clifford Black and Georgetown University basketball coach Chip Simms already recruiting young Harlington Irvin Hanna

Ingrid Bachelor, Florida based CPA learning about Memphis from the newspaper

Steve Deveaux and Dr. Joe Greer

 Ambassador Butler holds the attention of the guys in the penthouse lounge

Ingrid and Helen eating that good memphis BBQ from Cozy Corner BBQ.

Atty. Sam Perkins can't belive what Helen Hanna is telling him about her law school days in Memphis

T he two day Hannaian Business and Investment Network Conference, and C.A.M.B.I International Trade Seminar was attended by members of the local and neighboring communities, States, and the Bahamas.

Bloomfield Baptist Church & Urban Ministries

Pastor Ralph White and Mrs Janet White, Conference Hosts.

The Bloomfield Learning Center. A learning center without comparison. A unique learning environment and program.

The registration Team gets ready.
Stately Historic Bloomfield ready for the Summit
Dr. Harlington Hanna Jr., Hannaian C.E.O. explaining the business value of public securities market investments

Mrs Janet White explaining the program
Ernest Wiithers reading the program
Former Tennessee Commissioner of Mental Health Eric Taylor analyses the health care sector

Dr. Joe Greer, Floyd Munn and Alvino Monk enjoy a moment at Bloomfield.
Clifford Black
The Dixon Family listens, Atty Ed Dixon, Dr. S. Dixon and son.

Clifford Black entertaining the crowd

Dr. Job Ebenezer on Urban Agro-economics. Alvino Monk explaining International Trade opportunities

Dr. Algenon Dandy and Geraldine Adams in from Albany Georgia

Sir Arlington Butler thanks Mayor Herenton for the Welcome and Key to the City of Memphis

Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton Welcomes the Summit and presents the key to the City to Ambassador Sir Arlington Butler

Two young knowledgeable investors, Floyd Munn & Petrina Anderson enjoy the sessions

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